How to Get Your Goals Done
No matter who you are, you have a goal to accomplish something. These goals can be big or small ranging from wanting to be a millionaire to just getting a meal for the day. Although everyone’s goal is different, the key to getting your goals accomplished is to take action. Unfortunately, it’s too easy to think of a goal or talk about it. To get a goal accomplished, you must dedicate the time and energy by taking massive action. If you prioritize action taking, you will get the goals done as long as the goal is within reason. Here are a few ways we can take action on your getting goals done.
Putting in the Work
As mentioned in the introductory paragraph, to accomplish your goals you must take action. For those who don’t understand what it means to take action, it means to become physically active in working towards your goal. This goes without saying, if you only wrote down your goal or spoke about it, you’ve only done what anyone can do; get an idea. Unless you’re someone with servants or a person who has guardians, nobody is going to accomplish your goals for you.
Setting Goals
This brings me to my next point, for you to take action on a goal, you have to first set the goal. Did you just say I want to be a millionaire because you don’t take your own words personally? Or did you actually say it because you’re ready to work on it? If you have not done so already, separate the talk and dreams from things you really want in life. Once you have those true wants or needs actually picked out in detail, get them out of your head onto something tangible. If you’re old fashion, write the goals on a notepad, if you’re now seeing how useful the internet can be, save your goals on your mobile device or in a place you can refer back to, when you’re lost.
Put it in the Universe
Now that you’ve listed your goals on something, it’s time to get some accountability going for yourself. Share your goals with someone close to you like friends or family. This will help bring the goal into reality. Don’t just speak about the goal, tell your friends or family that you have set to accomplish a specific task by a particular due date. That way next time, they may follow up with you or it will be in the back of your mind that you gave someone your word.
Scheduling Enough Time
For some, taking action does not bother you. As a matter of fact, accomplishing your goal sounds like fun and you want to get it done. However, after working on it here and there for a few weeks or months, it still isn’t accomplished. If this sounds like something you may be going through then maybe your issue is consistency.
Calculating Real-Time
If your goal is to learn how to play piano and you’ve practiced one hour in the first month and one hour in the second month, have you really been practicing for two months? I use that example to explain, you may need to put more time into your goals. If you don’t feel you have enough time, start removing lesser important things out of your life until you fit enough time in for your goals in.
The Real Schedule
So I’m sure you’ve seen how some people have assistants at work and need someone to schedule their weeks or months of tasks to stay on track. Well, you can also schedule events or time for your goals in the same way. One way I like to schedule time is through the calendar application of my smartphone. Just pick a frequency like one hour per day for three days per week to work on your goals. Set up your phone to ring or buzz you as a reminder then focus only on that goal for that time period. Set the tasks to reoccur for as long as you like or indefinitely until your goal is accomplished. Now you’ve made time for what’s important.
Investing the Money
Alright! So your taking action on your goals and you’ve scheduled the time to keep it going. Now, let’s make sure you’ve invested some money when applicable. For starters, when we talk about investing money, it’s really to get educated on the best way to accomplish your goal.
Goal Investing Example
Let’s continue with the piano example. You could be self-teaching and spending three hours per week to learn the piano. Although this is great action-taking, you could be making this more difficult for yourself. Believe it or not, it was someone else’s goal to teach you the fastest way to learn piano. Instead of you learning on your own, you could invest the $20 or $100 to learn from someone else who has the answers. The could have written a step by step book or created video lessons, that speeds up your learning curve. You could have been on a path to learn piano in two years and $100 could potentially put you on a path to accomplishing your goal in one year. So, be sure to invest in yourself to accomplish those goals when applicable.
Having a Strong Why
Wow! You’ve come so far! Now that your taking action, scheduling the time, and investing the money, it’s time for the last tip. It’s without a doubt that if you set a meaningful goal, it will definitely be a challenge. As a matter of fact, it will be so challenging, you may consider procrastinating or even worse, quitting. To solve this problem, you NEED to have a strong WHY. The “why” is the reason you’ve set the goal.
Strong Why Example
Continuing with the piano example, if you just practice without a strong why, when practicing gets boring or too difficult, you may become unmotivated and stop playing. However, if you set the goal to learn piano because your significant other said, “If you ever play Marry had a Little Lamb for me on piano, I know you really love me!” As a result, you would practice that Marry had a Little Lamb Chop for as long as it took! Just to prove your love. As a result, if your WHY is strong enough, you will have a support mechanism in place to ensure you don’t fail through a lack of motivation.
Accomplishing Goals Conclusion
Depending on what your goal is and where you are having trouble, you may have to use one or more of these tips. By now, you can probably see how missing anyone one of these tips could have been setting you back. Although action taking is the most important step in getting your goals done, you can expedite your success by scheduling time, investing money and having a strong reason why your goal must be accomplished. To get more tips like these check out our email list with this link.
-Wisdom is shared here.