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Advantages of a Long Commute to Work
Advantages of a Long Commute to Work Everyone has to commute to work unless you are one of the lucky few, who work from home. However, the advantage of a long commute to work is that you get time to learn and plan your workplace promotion or exit strategy. While some people have less than […]

Is it Better to Go to College or Work After High School
Is it Better to Go to College or Work After High School After high school, everyone has to determine if pursuing a college education or getting a job is the next top priority. As a result, choosing to go to college or work after high school is a situational question, however, if one option must […]

How to Earn Money without Investment through Mobile Devices
How to Earn Money without Investment through Mobile Devices Three mobile Apple products. Money vs Investment Overview No matter how you want to make money, using mobile devices or not, it will take either time or money. Earning money without investing money through mobile devices is done by investing time into […]

Is College Necessary for Success in Life
5 Reasons Why College is Not Necessary for Success in Life If you have not been to college or reached graduation, you might be wondering, “is college necessary for success in life”? On the contrary to popular belief, the answer is no. College is not necessary for success in life because everyone’s interpretation of success […]

Bad Things About a Job
5 Bad Things About a Job Without a doubt, every average person needs a job. However, once you learn how to build wealth, it’s hard to see the true value and purpose of a job. With that being said, let’s cover five bad things about jobs and why they can be so problematic. 1. It’s […]

I Don’t Want to Go to College Anymore What Should I Do
Don’t Want to Go to College Anymore? What You Should Do So, you’ve either been in college for a while and decided it’s not your thing or you’ve changed your mind about going. Now what? If you do not want to go to college anymore, you should get a job that pays well enough to […]